Top 10 pc game
On this list you’ll find the best PC games we’re playing right now — recent singleplayer hits, thriving esports, and a few modern classics that would improve any library. We’ll continue to update this list as new games release, removing older favorites and replacing them with our latest obsessions. Rather than an ever-expanding list that reaches deep into the past, we’re shooting for a practical answer to the question: ‘What new PC game should I get?’
Best PC games: Apex Legends
Apex Legends
Released: 2019 | Developer: Respawn | Origin | Our review
Apex Legends is the best battle royale game available now. The map is fantastic, the ‘ping’ communication system is something every FPS should have from here on, the guns and movement are great fun (no wallrunning, but sliding down hills feels great), and it’s free-to-play with nothing to pay for except cosmetics. It isn’t the game we expected from Respawn, but we’re glad it’s here. Check James’ review for more.
Best PC games: Rainbow Six Siege
Rainbow Six Siege
Released: 2015 | Developer: Ubisoft Montreal | Humble Store, Steam | Our review
Counter-Strike’s sexier cousin. Siege might lack the sharp hit detection and purity of CS:GO, but it’s a more accessible and modern FPS that rewards clever timing and coordinated teamwork as much as aim. Siege’s learning curve is a result of all the stuff (characters, gadgets, elaborate maps, and guns) that’s been added since December 2015, but eventually you find yourself picking operators, map spots, and roles that you’re comfortable with. Ubisoft continues to support Siege, dropping four major updates per year along with regular fixes.
Best PC games: Overwatch
Released: 2016 | Developer: Blizzard | | Our review
With Overwatch’s colorful characters and bright, inclusive world, Blizzard brought the world of team-based hero shooters to an entirely new market. Teams of six take the roles of tank, DPS, and healer to battle over objectives, not just who can get the most kills. It’s a game that rewards — if not requires — teamwork. And with a growing cast of now 27 heroes to choose from, there’s a character to fit just about any play style.
Best PC games: Fortnite
Fortnite Battle Royale
Released: 2017 | Developer: Epic | Official site | Free-to-play | Our review
What started as a sterile PUBG imitation has evolved into the Minecraft generation’s arena shooter. Fortnite’s building system rewards good aim and an eye for architecture equally, extending battle royale shootouts from green pastures to impromptu skyscrapers slapped together in a minute. With ridiculously frequent updates from Epic Games that introduce new weapons, traps, tools, and skins, Fortnite is easily worth the price of admission, and even then, worth the time it takes to master such an obtuse, irregular building system.
top 10 pc games
Best PC games: Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds
PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds
Released: 2017 | Developer: PUBG Corp. | Humble Store, Steam | Our review
100 murderous hopefuls skydive onto an abandoned island, grab whatever weapons and ammo they can find, and fight to the death. Rinse and repeat. Though the concept wasn’t new (PlayerUnknown himself is responsible for multiple battle royale modes and mods), PUBG made the battle royale genre into the phenomenon that it is today. As a third- or first-person shooter, PUBG is more realistic and less arcadey than Fortnite. The joy of it is how it forces players to move and take risks as an ever-shrinking forcefield funnels surviving players toward each other until a winner climbs out of the wreckage. Every instant of every game is a flood of important decisions to make, and any one of them — even a minor one — could lead to your doom.
Best PC games: Rocket League
Rocket League
Released: 2015 | Developer: Psyonix | Humble Store, Steam | Our review
The best and only synthesis of hockey and soccer than you can play with rocket-powered battle cars. Where most esports rely on gunplay or clicky top-down wizardry, Rocket League is all physics and speed. Simply put, you’re trying to smash a giant soccer ball into a goal with a car. But the cars can jump, and flip, and fly into the air once you get the hang of it (which will take a while). Even after three years, Rocket League players are still inventing new moves and tricks — if there’s a skill ceiling, no one’s bumped it yet. It’s intimidating and your first matches will probably be rough as you learn to steer and backflip and ride the walls, but since there are so many other new players at any given time, as well as training modes and bot matches, you can still get up to speed even if you’re entering the arena late. Note that while you can play Rocket League with a mouse and keyboard, and some good players do, most prefer a controller.
Best PC games: Hearthstone
Released: 2014 | Developer: Blizzard | Official site
Despite the departure of game director Ben Brode, he of the flannel shirt and megaton laughter, Hearthstone remains in relatively rude health. The game’s last two expansions — The Boomsday Project (August 2018) and Rastakhan’s Rumble (Devember 2018) — have rightly been criticised for failing to freshen the meta sufficiently, but nonethless it’s possible to build a deck with any class and pilot it successfully on the ladder. Those looking to try-hard on a budget should consider Spell Hunter, which is relatively cheap to build, whilst those looking to make instant enemies may prefer the ultra aggressive Odd Paladin, which remains obnoxious despite a recent nerf. For those of you with ladder anxiety, Hearthstone also now includes a rich suite of single-player content in the Solo Adventures section. There you’ll find Rumble Run, Puzzle Lab, Monster Hunt and Dungeon Run — plenty of fun, without the pressure of a turn timer.
League of Legends
Released: 2009 | Developer: Riot Games | Official site
MOBAs are hard, rewarding competitive games because they demand teamwork, quick reaction times, and knowledge of beginning, middle, and endgame phases that vary with the role you play. And if you’re going to play one, LoL is the best place to start. League of Legends has had remarkable staying power as one of the most popular games in esports for a couple simple reasons. One, it strikes just the right balance of depth and approachability for a MOBA. A gargantuan roster of heroes means you could spend years learning the ins-and-outs of the game, but mechanically it’s less demanding than Dota 2, and more involved than Heroes of the Storm. Two, Riot Games hasn’t been afraid to make significant changes to the map, characters, and other systems over the years, so there’s always something new to learn.
If you can, play with a team of friends — it’s far more fun (and effective) to coordinate on a headset than deal with randoms over text chat. If you bounce off of LoL, Dota 2 is of course extremely popular as well, and both are free-to-play, so give it a shot.
Singleplayer and co-op shooters
Best PC games: Doom
Doom Eternal
Released:2020| Developer: id Software| Steam | Our review
The original Doom — back in 1993 — is the most influential shooter of all time. With a pedigree like that, 2016’s Doom reboot could have coasted by on the family name, had some fun, and called it a day. Instead, Doom surprised us all by being a spectacular shooter in its own right. More than that, Doom abandoned a lot of the storytelling conventions and cutscenes we’ve come to associate with modern games: about 30 seconds into the first level, the main character physically throws the plot across the room and shoots a demon in the face. Doom has a singular purpose, and if you’re not a gun or a demon’s face, it doesn’t care to know you.
Doom Eternal, meanwhile, goes hog wild with lore, but manages to remain amazing. It’s one of the most demanding shooters we’ve ever played — read our full review for more on why it’s even better than Doom, and a must-play.
watch here for more top 10 pc games
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